Manufacturer / Dealer: REAL / The Microfilm Shop
Model: RB1-2-1m
The RB 1-2-1m cut sheet diazo duplicator originates from Photomatrix’s 20 years of experience in the manufacture of high volume automatic duplicators. This means that the exposure unit and development chamber are based on sound, proven technology. For perhaps the first time, ergonomics has been carefully thought out at the design stage of the production of a cut sheet duplicator. There is one exposure station, one integral developer station and two exposure platens. This means that whilst one duplicate is being exposed, the next master and diazo sheet are being loaded into the second platen. When the exposure cycle is complete, the exposure base plate is moved round so that the exposure sheet can be removed to go in the developer unit. The second exposure platen is then pushed round into place, automatically triggering the exposure. This maximises efficient production and keeps the operator on a balanced working routine. Ideal for small to medium volume usage.
Comment: An ideal low to medium volume sheet to sheet diazo/vesicular duplicator. The 1-2-1V model is available for users of vesicular material only.